
CEOE Valladolid Award for Innovation and Digitalization
La presidenta de la CEOE Valladolid, Ángela de Miguel, ha destacado el “gran” tejido productivo de la capital vallisoletana, una ciudad de “primera”, y ha ensalzado el esfuerzo y la “importancia” de las empresas que han resultado galardonadas en los Premios CEOE por su contribución a la prosperidad de la ciudad.

The president of CEOE Valladolid, Ángela de Miguel, has highlighted the “great” productive fabric of the capital of Valladolid, a “first-class” city, and has praised the effort and “importance” of the companies that have been awarded in the CEOE Awards for their contribution to the prosperity of the city.

Innovative Awards from El Mundo de Castilla y León for "Best Project in Valladolid"
Premios Innovadores de El Mundo de Castilla y Leónal "Mejor Proyecto de Valladolid"
EU Women Innovators Award
Premio de la UE a las Mujeres Innovadoras

The European Innovation Council was established under the EU's Horizon Europe programme. It has a budget of €10.1 billion to support breakthrough innovations throughout their entire life cycle.

National Innovation and Design Award 2022
Premio Nacional de Innovación y Diseño 2022

These awards are the most important recognition in Spain in the fields of innovation and design and distinguish people and entities with outstanding professional careers in these fields.

Premios FEDEPE.

Rocío Arroyo, AMADIX CEO was recognized by the XXXI edition of the FEDEPE awards, in the category of Innovation and female entrepreneurship. FEDEPE is composed of various women's associations in the business sector and public administration that has the institutional support of the Royal Household and the Honorary Presidency of Her Majesty the Queen.

XII Premios Castilla y León Emprende of El Norte de Castilla
XII Premios Castilla y León Emprende de “El Norte de Castilla”

Rocío Arroyo, AMADIX CEO, received the "Entrepreneurial Spirit Award" at the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE). This award recognizes Rocío's talent, effort and innovation in which Rocío Arroyo's "excellence in her work and her contribution to the improvement of society" was highlighted.

AMADIX is recognized as the best innovative company in the city of Valladolid by Onda Cero
AMADIX es reconocida como la mejor empresa innovadora de la ciudad de Valladolid en los primeros premios Onda Cero Valladolid.

“It is recognized its commitment to research and development from Valladolid, and its growth of talent”.

Forbes list
Lista Forbes AMADIX

Rocío Arroyo, AMADIX CEO, was selected as one of the 22 most influential and important people, positioning herself among the protagonists that will change - according to Forbes - 2022, highlighting her talent and leadership among other qualities.

Rocío Arroyo was Finalist of Women Innovators EU Prize by the European Commission
Rocío Arroyo ha sido finalista del Women Innovators EU Prize de la Comisión Europea

Rocío Arroyo was selected as one of 21 women innovators in Europe - out of 264 applications from 35 different countries - for the Women Innovators EU Prize. This prize celebrates the outstanding achievements of women entrepreneurs running innovative companies in Europe who are working every day to change the rules of the innovation game.

Seal of Excellence
Sello de excelencia

AMADIX receives the “Seal of Excellence” for the Disruptive and high accuracy test for early colorectal cancer detection in blood from the European Commission where PreveCol was scored as a high-quality project proposal in a highly competitive evaluation process by an international panel of independent experts from H2020-EIC-SMEInst-2018-2020 call

AMADIX receives the first award from “El Mundo Zen Adecco” awards in the category “Best Entrepreneurship Project”
AMADIX recibe el primer galardón de los premios "El Mundo Zen Adecco" en la categoría "Mejor Proyecto de Emprendimiento"

as the great effort undertaken by the company recognizing its commitment with the society.

AMADIX receives the “Pyme de EXPANSIÓN” award in the Technological Innovation category
AMADIX recibe el premio "Pyme de EXPANSIÓN" en la categoría de Innovación Tecnológica.

These awards recognize the trajectory of small and medium-sized Spanish companies promoted by Expansion and IFEMA.

AMADIX is selected to participate in the Pre-Landing Program in Boston (USA) by the ACTION Innovation Network supported by US Economic Development Administration
AMADIX es seleccionada para participar en el Programa de Pre-Landing en Boston (EEUU) por la Red de Innovación ACTION apoyada por la Administración de Desarrollo Económico de EEUU.

This program will connect AMADIX with the power of the accelerators and local stakeholders generating business opportunities in the USA as well as connections with the key decision makers and allow AMADIX meet the main players in the Boston life sciences and innovation ecosystem.

AMADIX was selected as one of the 2019 European Business Awards – ‘Ones to Watch’
AMADIX fue incluida en la lista de los European Business Awards 2019 - "Ones to Watch"

‘Ones to Watch’ list as a recognition of our business excellence by the European Business Awards, one of the world’s largest and longest running cross sector businesses competitions where the best businesses in 33 European countries compete.

AMADIX was chosen as it demonstrates exceptional achievement in “The Award for Innovation € 0 -25M“and reflects the program’s core values of innovation, success and ethics.

AMADIX was elected to participate in the TechShare Spain 2019-2020 program organized by Euronext
AMADIX fue elegida para participar en el programa TechShare Spain 2019-2020 organizado por Euronext.

Euronext N.V. European New Exchange Technology is a European stock exchange with registered office in Amsterdam and other markets operated in Brussels, London, Lisbon, Dublin, Oslo and Paris. TechShare is an exclusive European training program aimed at helping technology SME managers better understand how to use the markets capitals and the challenges that an IPO brings.

AMADIX receives the Accésit of the Asociación de Iniciativas Empresariales
AMADIX recibe el Accésit de la Asociación de Iniciativas Empresariales

AMADIX receives the Accésit of the Asociación de Iniciativas Empresariales from the mayor of Valladolid - at the City Council of Valladolid - during the V Awards Business Initiatives, recognizing the company's trajectory as well as the value and social impact of the projects that AMADIX is developing

Finalist of the Disruptive Sanitas Program in the “Data & Analytics” category with prize money of 25,000 euros where more than 200 projects were participating
Finalista del Programa Sanitas Disruptive en la categoría "Data & Analytics" con un premio de 25.000 euros en el que participaron más de 200 proyectos

AMADIX participated in a 3-month immersion program at Sanitas facilities working with a multidisciplinary team from the insurance company.

Winner of the “Third China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition” held in Madrid on March 14.
Ganador del "Tercer Concurso Internacional de Innovación y Emprendimiento de China (Shenzhen)" celebrado en Madrid el 14 de marzo.

The international phase took place in ShenZhen (April 2019), where the company was 3rd finalist in the healthcare area with more of 150 companies participating from 5 different sectors.

AMADIX was awarded by Quality Innovation Award 2018 (QIA 2018 Awards) for PreveCol both in the international (Beijing, February 2019) and national (Spain, November 2018) competition being the best worldwide project valued by all the jury members over more than 500 projects receiving the mention of "Innovation of Innovations Award"
AMADIX ha sido galardonada con el Quality Innovation Award 2018 (QIA 2018 Awards) por PreveCol® tanto en el concurso internacional (Pekín, febrero de 2019) como en el nacional (España, noviembre de 2018) siendo el mejor proyecto mundial valorado por todos los miembros del jurado, entre los más de 500 proyectos, recibiendo la mención de "Premio a la Innovación de las Innovaciones".

Quality Innovation Award is an annual international competition of which 18 countries are part, whose objective is to promote innovative projects in companies and organizations, to be compared, and to give local and international recognition to the most innovative projects

AMADIX received the award for the best start-up at South Summit 2018
AMADIX recibió el premio a la mejor start-up en South Summit 2018

South Summit is the largest international event in southern Europe, bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, start-ups and corporations, in which more than 3,000 start–ups have participated from 84 countries. In addition, AMADIX was selected and participated in an Immersion Program in the USA promoted by Spain Tech Center to prepare AMADIX landing in the USA.

AMADIX was selected as 1 of the 10 finalists of the III Edition of Emprende inHealth Programme promoted by Lilly y UnLtd Spain
AMADIX ha sido seleccionada como 1 de las 10 finalistas de la III Edición del Programa Emprende inHealth promovido por Lilly y UnLtd Spain.

This programme has recognized the high health social impact of PreveCol among more than 140 startups

AMADIX was honoured by “Castilla y León Económica” magazine in the category of “Most Innovative Product” for PreveCol
AMADIX fue galardonada por la revista "Castilla y León Económica" en la categoría de "Producto más innovador" por PreveCol®.

The magazine recognized the best initiatives of the business network of Castilla-León, valuing the management carried out by the entrepreneurs and managers to generate wealth and employment in the region.

AMADIX was awarded as the “Best Investment Project” by Google Campus from Global Keiretsu Forum
AMADIX fue premiada con el “Mejor proyecto de inversión” por Google Campus del Foro Global de Keiretsu
AMADIX received the distinguished “Gold Star” by the Institute for Business Excellence
AMADIX recibió la distinguida "Estrella de Oro" por el Instituto para la Excelencia Empresarial

In recognition of its project and its commitment in the development of new solutions related to the field of health.

The award recognizes an excellent professional trajectory to the award-winning companies

AMADIX receives the "Gold medal" from the European Association of Economy and Competitiveness
AMADIX recibe la "Medalla de Oro" de la Asociación Europea de Economía y Competitividad.

The Gold Medal of Merit to Work recognizes the entrepreneurial spirit and effort t diverse companies, institutions and professional experts that belong to several sectors and that throughout its professional trajectory, have encouraged the awareness of the entrepreneur and the well doing of the companies

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